Thursday, August 21, 2008

Turn Your iPod Into A Money Machine

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah. What is it that these 3 individuals have in common that has made each of them extremely successful? Each one has been able to harness the power of the masses to propel them to unforeseen heights of success. What odes this mean? Rather than rely solely on themselves to achieve success, they have the power and leverage of huge numbers behind them. Steve Jobs has millions of devoted Apple followers behind him--the same thing with Bill Gates and Windows pc. Oprah has millions of viewers tune into her everyday. And these trustworthy followers return time after time to buy new products from them. Ever heard of Oprah's book club?

What if you could harness the power of these huge numbers like they do? Steve Jobs doesn't make a lot of money off of each computer he sells, but he sells millions of them. Apple now has a product called iTunes which are songs that people buy and download onto their iPod or other mp3 player. And people download these songs millions of times a day. Each time, Steve jobs, Apple CEO, makes a little bit off off each one. That is the way all fortunes are made. Whether it's oil, cars, cheeseburgers (McDonald's) or computers. Not much is made on each transaction, but a little bit is made thousands or even millions of times.

Now you have the opportunity to make money just like Gates, Jobs & Oprah--make a little bit thousands of times. Through a little known program, Apple allows individuals to make a little bit of money each time an iTunes is sold. So each time someone downloads a song to their iPod, it's actually putting money into your bank account--a virtual money machine--time and time again!

We have a program that will show you step by step exactly what you need to do to profit each time someone downloads an iTunes. It really is so easy a second grader could do it. But, there is a process you need to go through. You could definitely be making money from iTunes in as little as 24 hours--it my even be possible to be earning money within the next hour. It's that easy! But most people don't even know this program exists.

Almost 20 million iTunes are downloaded each week and iTunes are available in 70% of the WORLD, so virtually anyone can do it. BUT, this program may not be around forever. Apple certainly doesn't need anyone's help to sell iTunes, so this chance could go away at ANY moment.

That's why it's important for you to act now. Within 24 hours, you could be collecting money every time someone downloads an iTunes. While we can't guarantee you will make money, we can guarantee that we can show you EXACTLY what you need to do Step by Step to start making money with iTunes. The rest is up to you.

if you want to be shown exactly what you need to do, step by step, to start making money with iTunes, then just click the Buy Now button below and you will be able to pay securely through Paypal. From there, you will be taken directly to a website that will show you EVERYTHING you need to know, and EXACTLY what you need to do, Step by Step, to start making money with iTunes. 

As fast as technology changes, this opportunity probably will not last forever. You can keep doing what you've been doing, or take steps to be part of one of the biggest markets on the planet, and turn your iPod into a virtual Money Machine.

Normally, we charge hundreds of dollars for this type of program and training. But, for a very limited time, we are making Turn Your iPod Into A Money Machine available to the next 200 buyers for over 50% off our retail price of $199.95--now you are able to buy this incredible training program for only $99.95. But don't wait, as we will not keep the price this low for very long.

Just click on the Buy Now button below and you will be taken to a secure Paypal website to pay by check or credit card. Immediately after your order is processed, you will be directed back to our website where you will have complete access to Turn Your iPod Into A Money Machine. Be sure to write the website address down so you can access it anytime in the future. So go ahead and click on Buy Now so that in minutes you can be on your way to creating your very own iPod Money Machine! Don't wait!


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